Yangon Night Curfew Period was REDUCE!

Curfew period in Yangon reduces According to several township administration councils, the night curfew in Yangon has been decreased and reinterpreted. It was formerly established from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m., but as of 2023, October 27, it has been cut to 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.,...

Happy Thadingyut Holiday

On the occasion of this peaceful Myanmar Thadingyut Lent holiday, may the rest of the world be peaceful. And may all people be free of terror and worry. အေးချမ်းသာယာသော ဝါလကင်းလွတ်သီတင်းကျွတ်အခါသမယလေးဖြစ်ပါစေ။ မြတ်ဗုဒ္ဓ၏မေတ္တာဓာတ်ကြောင့် ကမ္ဘာတဝန်း...

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